Welcome to The World SAKING

The door is locked but you hold the key. The path is hidden in the dark, but let there be light. The journey is to travel alone, but let’s find the strength to come across. Time is moving, the tide is rising; start the journey before it’s too late. A journey which will lead you to undying lands of imagination and creativity, to a place where there is peace and calm. A place where the time stops for you to admire the beauty hidden under the dark. A place where there will be beauty to be loved. A place which will take you away from the limelight of this Vanity Fair, away from the world of illusions, and towards what is true and what is real. The arms are wide open, just to welcome you to that place. Welcome to the place, hidden from the eyes, but open for the hearts. Welcome to the world of dreams, to a world where the utter desires of peace, calm and love are fulfilled. Welcome to a world where wishes are meant to be fulfilled, where broken hearts are forged again and where restless souls no longer linger astray. A world where the pure of the minds are waiting, to hold you and to help you. Welcome to a destiny not written for you but will be written by you, full of fantasies but with a realistic look. Enter through gates of hope; be happy by the thoughts that this is what you carved for. Welcome to the kingdom of my own.
With regards from

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